Umino – Multipurpose Shopify Themes OS 2.0 – RTL Support

Umino is a professional, super fast and light modern Shopify theme that can enhance the look and functionality of your eCommerce store, making it an excellent choice for businesses of all types. Umino offers a wide range of features and design options to give your eCommerce store a professional, modern look. With new features and enhancements, as well as advanced options, Umino can help take your business to the next level. Why choose Umino :

– As the first Shopify theme to meet the Shopify standard on Themeforest, Umino is a reliable choice for your online store.
– Our powerful code optimization ensures fast load times and a smooth user experience.
– Achieve top scores on GTmetrix and Google Speed for site loading speed. That means your site will load very fast.
– Enjoy optimized SEO for better visibility and higher search rankings.
– Receive premium support for any questions or issues that may arise.
– Take advantage of tons of premium features to enhance your store’s functionality.
– Experience a feature-rich mobile version of your site for a seamless shopping experience on all devices.

Theme Features
User-Friendly and Highly Customizable Templates
Responsive Design, Mobile-First Design, Mobile Optimization, and Exceptional UI/UX
Built to Shopify’s highest standards for Quality, Design, and Performance
Google’s rich product snippets
Validate HTML5 Code
SEO Optimized
RTL Support
Multiple Languages (90+ language)
Extended Documentation, Video Tutorials
Discover 20+ Captivating Homepage Layouts
06+ Layouts Options for Product Page
Multiple Layouts Options for Collection page, Collection List page
Easy One Click Install
One Click Checkout
Multiple Headers + Footers
Mobile Navigation Bar
Fully compatible with Shopify OS 2.0 (Sections Everywhere)
GDPR Cookie Popup
Calculate Free Shipping Thresholds
Add to Cart Sticky
Stock Countdown
Product Grouped, External/Affiliate Product
Unlimited Product Options for customized and personalized Products (Swatch images, Color swatch, Text swatch, Swatch radio, Swatch dropdown)
Products Custom Fields (File upload, Input Text)
Social Sharing Features
Ajax: Product Filter, Add To Cart, Wishlist and Compare
Wishlist Support
Compare Support
Quick View Support
Rich product media (Images, 3D models, Embedded videos, and Vimeo or YouTube videos)
Image Gallery with Images + Zoom Effect in Product Details Page
Country selection, Language selection and Currency selection
Mega Menu
Sticky Menu
Grid Or List View
Bought Together
Countdown Timer
Size Chart
Instagram Shop, Tiktok Shop and Lookbook
Cart Goals
Compare Color
Recently Viewed
Image Comparison
Infinite Scroll, Load More in Collection page
Sales Notifications
Live Chat
Smart Search Bar
Real Time Visitor

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